Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

20 August 2016


So much human sacrifice and environmental devastation have gone to create a false heaven. 
— from a review of Behemoth by Zhao Liang
Once we sang in the sunshine and blithe, sweet air. But now I grieve upon the shattered Earth
 a trailer for the film

 Image: Zhao Liang

5 May 2015

Giant dunes

Sand dunes in the Badain Jaran Desert in China. Many sand dunes are 200 to 300 meters (660 to 980 feet) high. The tallest exceed 460 meters (1500 feet).

Amid the dunes are dozens of saline lakes whose origin is unclear.

Image NASA

17 March 2015

The landscape-color of heart-mind

To feel [in classical Chinese] is constructed of the character for “heart-mind” and the one for “the blue-green color of landscape”, a remarkable concept of color that includes both the green of plants and trees and nearby mountains, and the blue of distant mountains and sky. Hence, the “heart-mind in the presence of landscape-color” or “the landscape-color of heart-mind.”
from Hunger Mountain by David Hinton

Image: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains Wikimedia

17 December 2014

Getting used to it

If we had to face up to how much we’re destroying the environment and our bodies every day, it would just be too much.
City resident quoted in Inside Beijing's Airpocalypse